Course attendees pictures
Students hard at work
Artist Lynda Kettle teaching students

Halsbeer Farm Water Colour Course 2024

And that’s a wrap on another successful watercolour course in our beautiful conservatory here at Halsbeer Farm.

Big thank you to the wonderful @lynda_kettle who taught four full days this year rather than our usual three.

Thanks also to our fabulous course attendees for coming and for making it such fun.

Big shout out to the team at @thestrandstores in Culmstock for yet again providing delicious lunches and cakes for us each day. From falafels to frittatas, quality quiches, sensational sandwiches and the most wonderful salads you certainly kept everyone well fed. And not forgetting the lightest, most delicious cheesecake any of us had tasted in a while.

Thanks to the Sidmouth Society of Artists for keeping their Summer exhibition at @kennaway_house open for an after hours viewing and to @dukessidmouth for a delicious end of course meal yesterday evening. Their moules frites and fish pie are scrumptious. Heartily recommended.

All in all a successful few days. Watch this space for dates of next year’s course.

Birch trees by water

Testimonial by Budleigh Salterton Art Club July 2019

Birch trees by water…was the subject for LYNDA KETTLE’S soft pastel demonstration in July.

Lynda told us briefly about her training and her career in the Midlands and London.

Her First class honours degree was in Theatre set design but she moved to Television with BBC as a production designer and worked with people such as Tony Hart and on sets for Howard’s Way….and many more at Pebble Mill Studios.

She retired, came to live in Devon three years ago and is now the Chair of Sidmouth Art Society as well as other roles.

She gave us lots of information about paper, pastels and materials and we watched, in almost silence, as she built up her painting using a ‘Pointillist’, impressionistic, energetic style. The lovely colours and marks gradually took shape and the almost finished picture was vibrant and accomplished.

An array of her cards showed her wide abilities, subjects and mediums.
An hour and half could only scratch the surface of Lynda’s talent.

A most enlightening, entertaining and happy morning. Some members have requested that we arrange a workshop with Lynda. We will need to book her well in advance! Jenny de la Haye